[초청강연] Field and laboratory studies in animal behavior and behavioral ecology

2021-10-18l 조회수 3212

일시: 2021-10-18 17:00 ~ 19:00
발표자: Piotr Jablonski (SNU School of Biological Sciences)
담당교수: 생명과학부
장소: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83451362852
Based on the past and current projects in our laboratory, I will present some aspects
of research in ethology, animal behavior and behavioral ecology, including links to
modern biomimetic engineering. Through several examples we will explore the
importance of multidisciplinary approach and field-based research that often leads to
laboratory experiments and to mathematical and computer simulation models.
Altogether, the integration of these approaches provides a more complete
understanding of animal adaptations and provide opportunities for individual’s
research path that provides stimulating challenges, allows to avoid routine, requires
creativity and provides interesting alternative path to being a scientist in the field of
biology that has traditionally been underrepresented at the universities in Korea.