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[초청강연] An open, large-scale, comparative and population genomic resource for Drosophila

2021-04-05l Hit 3974

Date: 2021-04-08 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: Bernard Kim PhD. (Stanford University)
Professor: 윤창규 학생조교
An open, large-scale, comparative and population genomic resource for Drosophila

Recent advances in long-read sequencing have greatly accelerated the pace of genomic studies, particularly for non-model organisms. In the near future, datasets encompassing hundreds or even thousands of species will greatly change how we approach the study of evolution, particularly by facilitating experiments and analyses that simply were not possible in the past. We are specifically deploying a hybrid Oxford Nanopore long-read and Illumina short-read sequencing approach to generate a large-scale genomic dataset for the family Drosophilidae (fruit flies), a clade that has facilitated key discoveries in genetics, genomics, and evolution for over a century. We have built an open, publicly accessible resource of over 100 de novo assemblies while utilizing reproducible, open-source techniques that bring the cost of a single Drosophila genome assembly to about 380 US dollars (~₩450,000). These genome assemblies are high-quality: contiguous, complete, and accurate. Under ideal conditions, we obtain near reference-quality genomes. We have started to integrate these assemblies with other Drosophila genomic resources using phylogenetic and comparative genomics tools, creating a comparative genomics toolkit which currently encompasses 167 species. Finally, I will detail future sampling plans and how this dataset will serve as a basis for addressing fundamental questions in genetics, ecology, and evolution within this key group.